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中华民国开国纪念币是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。 珍贵的中华民国“开国纪念币”记录了辛亥革命惊天动地的伟大历史,由于历经百年风雨,“开国纪念币”存世量极为稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。

国父币:1894年11月24日,孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会 。1905年(光绪三十一年)成立中国同盟会。1911年10月10日(宣统三年)新军中的革命党人暗中联络,决定当天晚上起义。辛亥革命后被推举为中华民国临时大总统(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孙中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根据其生前遗愿,葬于南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,国民政府通令全国,尊称其为“中华民国国父”。



英文名称:The founding COINS of sun yat-sen





背面边缘有英文MEMENTO - BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA(中华民国开国纪念币)整币品相好,色泽包浆自然、底光柔和,有如绸缎。文字图案细腻清晰,总体保存完整,字体纹饰均清晰可辨,此版特征是,钱币背面左右分列六角星。1912年3月10日,袁世凯盗取大总统后时间不长,该版纪念币停止铸造。1914年,也就是民国三年,开始铸造袁大头,替代了1912年版“孙小头”的主体地位。因铸造时间不长,存世量小,市场价格较





孙中山(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,又名帝象,化名中山樵,伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者、中国民主革命的伟大先驱,中华民国和中国国民党的缔造者,三民主义的倡导者,创立了《五权宪法》。他首举彻底反帝反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终两千年封建帝制”。 是伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者。




英文名称:Sun xiaotou in nineteen twenty-three


规格:一 枚







1894年11月24日,孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会 [6] 。1905年(光绪三十一年)成立中国同盟会。1911年10月10日(宣统三年)新军中的革命党人暗中联络,决定当天晚上起义。辛亥革命后被推举为中华民国临时大总统(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孙中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根据其生前遗愿,葬于南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,国民政府通令全国,尊称其为“中华民国国父”。






英文名称:Yuan dazhong in the third year of the republic of China









英文翻译:The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China is one of the best COINS in modern China. At the same time, it is also a rare object of archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture. The precious "founding commemorative coin" of the Republic of China records the earth-shattering history of the 1911 Revolution. Due to the hundred years of wind and rain, the "founding commemorative coin" is very rare, especially in good condition, so it is favored by collectors.

Founding Father coin: Sun Yat-sen founded the Xing Zhong Hui in Honolulu on November 24, 1894. The Chinese Tong Meng Hui was founded in 1905 (the 31st year of guangxu Emperor). On October 10, 1911, the Revolutionaries of the New Army made secret contact and decided to rise that night. He was elected provisional President of the Republic of China (term of office from January 1, 1912 to April 1, 1912) after the 1911 Revolution. On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing. On June 1, 1929, according to his last wishes, he was buried in the Zhongshan Mausoleum of The Purple Mountain in Nanjing. In 1940, the Nationalist government proclaimed him the "father of the Republic of China".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Sun Yat-sen founding commemorative coin

The founding COINS of sun Yat-sen

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful (satin bottom)

This 1912 edition "sun Xiaotou", namely top six star edition, is 1912 (the first year of the Republic of China mint mints as the sun founding commemorative coin. In the front center is sun Yat-sen's profile portrait, with 4 characters inscribed in Chinese official script "The Republic of China" engraved on the edge and 5 characters inscribed on the bottom "Founding commemorative coin". Silver coin about five plum petal each one, five power constitution meaning also. After this is the national flower, the coin front and back has a very natural pulp, silver oxide part appears brown black, the middle of the small head visible surface is extremely smooth, formed the satin bottom, very open the door, coin writing is clear, distinct, full pressure performance.

Back edge has English MEMENTO - BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA (REPUBLIC OF CHINA founding coin) the whole coin product good, color and natural pulp, soft bottom light, like silk. The text design is exquisite and clear, the overall preservation is complete, the font decoration is clearly distinguishable, this version is characterized by the coin back left and right hexagonal stars. On March 10, 1912, not long after Yuan Shikai stole the first President, the commemorative coin ceased to be minted. In 1914, in the third year of the Republic of China, yuan's head was cast, replacing the 1912 edition of "Sun Xiaotou". Because the casting time is not long, the quantity is small, the market price is relatively

The silver coin commemorating Sun Yat-sen's founding, commonly known as xiao Tou, was one of the most important COINS circulating in the Republic of China. Is the first piece of the President will change the royal dragon picture of the national currency, which means that the end of the Qing Dynasty rule, our country from now on into the republic of the New Year. In addition, the Chinese and English characters are engraved in the currency to inform foreigners of the arrival of a new era of openness in China. In the area of collection, the gold and silver coin preservation market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, will give common value to the collection, and its market will also go along with the trend.

This commemorative coin comes naturally with the words "one Yuan" in the center of its reverse side. On both sides of the coin are pictures of wheat ears. Sun Yat-sen's head is printed on the front center of the coin, with "Republic of China" on the head and "Founding Of the People's Republic of China" on the bottom.

Sun tou founding COINS, the first batch of cast, that year was bought for preservation, so the preservation of the best picture, must be the orthodox "top money in the Republic of China", the front of the central sun Yat-sen face small head next to the outer ring above the script of The Chinese Republic, below the founding COINS, left and right sides have long branches flowers and flowers decoration. The inner ring on the reverse side is cast with plant ornamented with one round words, and the outer ring contains two hexagonal stars. The coin reflects the social setting of its time and is the best account of its pre-history. The republic of China sun as a founding commemorative coin because of different forging manufacturers, the formation of a lot of edition, today especially to introduce the rare species worth preservation research.

Sun yat-sen, the founder of the first silver COINS, commemorative COINS is also known as the father of the nation, in coin collecting is the 'head' collection is exquisite, orz, hide the tail, hidden qi, the coin is the corresponding to orz such thing, at the second factor coin value 'appearance, both coin has transcended the collection class, belong to the beauty of the product phase, integrated the two silver COINS, can be said to be bite a tooth to collection of high-quality goods.

Sun yat-sen (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925), name, word of load, nissin, yat-sen again, also known as emperor, alias zhongshan firewood, great national hero, a great patriot and the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution, the republic of China and of the founders of the Chinese nationalist party (KMT), the three people's principles and created the "five-power constitution". For the first time, he raised the banner of complete anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, "from the beginning of the Republic to the end of two thousand years of feudal monarchy". He is a great national hero and a great patriot.

The double sail coin of the Republic of China is one of the most famous mechanism COINS in China in recent years. According to relevant information, this coin is mostly made in the Central Mint in Shanghai, and the current reserve currency is generally only one yuan and in the two kinds of yuan. Because the national government at that time carried out the policy of "legal tender" and did not allow the private circulation of silver COINS, the double sail COINS of the Republic of China were rarely circulated in the market.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Sun Xiaotou in the twenty-third year of the republic of China

English name: Sun Xiaotou in green Trees twenty-three

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

The inscription "the twenty-third year of the Republic of China" is cast on the top of the front, and a profile of Sun Yat-sen is on the bottom

The back of the central two ends of the cast "one round", in the middle of a pair of masts sailing through the wind and waves.

Shuangfan was cast by Shanghai Central Mint in 2003. The whole coin is made of snowflake silver with the inscription "the twenty-third year of the Republic of China" on the front and a profile of Sun Yat-sen on the bottom. The central two ends of the back are cast with "one Yuan" and a pair of masts sailing in the middle. This coin has clear text, exquisite design, vivid head and exquisite casting technology. Moreover, this collection is well preserved. Its color and luster are natural, although a little rust does not hinder its appearance, but more natural and delicate, with appropriate depth of pictures and texts. The picture of Sun Yat-sen in the coin is lifelike. The design is novel and the casting is exquisite.

Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of China's democratic revolution, initiated and led the 1911 Revolution, which completely overthrew the feudal dynastic rule that had lasted for more than 2,000 years in China. In order to impress the world with Sun yat-sen's great achievements, numerous coin versions with sun Yat-sen's head were issued during the Republic of China. Now it is one of the most popular COINS collection.

The sailing boat coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous COINS in modern China. According to the relevant information, sun Yat-sen's head of the double sail coin, by the Central Mint in Shanghai made.

On November 24, 1894, Sun Yat-sen founded the Xing Zhong Hui in Honolulu. The Chinese Tong Meng Hui was founded in 1905 (the 31st year of guangxu Emperor). On October 10, 1911, the Revolutionaries of the New Army made secret contact and decided to rise that night. He was elected provisional President of the Republic of China (term of office from January 1, 1912 to April 1, 1912) after the 1911 Revolution. On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing. On June 1, 1929, according to his last wishes, he was buried in the Zhongshan Mausoleum of The Purple Mountain in Nanjing. In 1940, the Nationalist government proclaimed him the "father of the Republic of China".

This double-sail coin of 1934 was also called "Silver coin of the Father of the nation", so that future generations can remember The great man Sun Yat-sen. The appearance of this silver coin is exquisite, no damage, damage, oxidizing nature, satin bottom light. It is appraised as genuine and perfect by experts. The coin collection values it most.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became President in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and paper currency at that time, there were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currency in circulation, with different specifications, chaotic circulation and complicated translation. The people were resentful and wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency reform, so the Beiyang government decided to coin and issue national currency. Yuan Shikai, in order to enhance his dominance, had his head on the coin, hence the name "Yuan Tou".

Because big head silver casting a long time, yuan participation casting of mint, therefore, only yuen bulk silver bottle is very much, introduce in detail below: first of all, said big head silver bottle is 1914 yuan, unlike all the other years, big head silver positive pattern is in 1914 yuan yuan shikai's head appears in profile, the above words are: "three years of the republic of China," behind the word "year" without "made", other years of big head silver yuan are added at the end of the word "year" one word "build".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Three years in the Republic of China Yuan Tou

Yuan Dazhong in the third year of the Republic of China

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Positive are five yuan shikai profile, the above calendar, three years of the republic of China collection value is extremely high, big head big head is called yuan yuan because behind this silver was printed with yuan shikai side face of the photo, and it also issued by his silver medal, the first silver valuable is that it, unlike the yuan, the reasons of it from foreign afferent phase consists of the qing dynasty to yuan shikai in order to solve the problem of the military after xinhai revolution as well as an important means to improve the personal status, from here, although he is not popular but the history behind the silver dollar value is not small peep.

Jiahe back two, left and right interaction, under the binding belt, cast "one yuan" two characters. Over the years, in the silver collection area, has a name, is not always hear, that is "big head" yuan, especially in recent years, as the gold and silver price strength and market, and many there were more than the market price of the old silver dollar rise, some of these special version, good appearance, only rare treasures, is immeasurable.

Big head, big head in need three years of the republic of China yuan yuan this bulk circulation of at least one year of yuan, because he was a wrong version of the existence of general yuan big head is seven words, more than a "made" word, in only three years of the republic of China of all bulk yuan yuan big head there is no word, take a look at the red circle marked place, people, word is a bit more, this is also with the rest of the money, a big difference between the red circle below, we can see the big head portrait yuan less contact with the inner gear is an inner gear, it is also a professional identification of true and false coin important, this coin within the whole circle of the less a tooth, At that time, the purpose is to prevent counterfeiting, and the later copy of the coin is not aware of this detail.

The three pieces of silver is the classic silver during the period of the republic of China, the COINS are clear, chiseled performance pressure, both the front and silver oxide slightly, presents the brown-black, let a person know at a glance has s feeling, sun yat-sen's founding commemorative COINS to the beginning of the republic of China, is 2000 years of feudal dynasty toward democracy first democratic government collapse, this money is the beginning of the republic of China, in line with the collection of orz, has a very high collection value.

End of the three coin patina nature, light is downy, so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated COINS on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Look closely at these three COINS phase perfect, no knock, damage, deformation, etc. Is not much collection of grade copper COINS, Suggestions for collection, handed down.
