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《国币条例》规定:"以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆","一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一","一圆银币用数无限制",即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称"袁头币"或"袁大头"。

According to the National Currency Ordinance, " the unit of price is 6.4 % and 8 % of Kuping Silver, which is called round", " one round silver coin, with a total weight of 7.2 %, silver 89, copper 11" and " one round silver coin is unlimited", that is, one round silver coin is used as the standard loan currency for unlimited compensation. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, Yuan Shikai's head portrait, commonly known as " Yuan Tou Currency" or " Yuan Datou" was engraved on the coin surface.

袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸,袁大头”银币币型划一,成色、重量有严格规定,很快受到了社会认同和接受,逐步取代了清朝的龙洋,成为流通领域的主币。

Yuan Datou was one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China. In December 1914 and February 1915, it was first coined by the General Mint Factory and Jiangnan Mint Factory, and the silver coin " Yuan Datou" was uniform in shape, color and weight. It was quickly recognized and accepted by the society and gradually replaced Long Yang of the Qing Dynasty as the main currency in circulation.


Due to the long time spent casting silver coins in Yuan Datou and the number of mints participating in the casting, there are many editions of silver coins in Yuan Datou now, and the editions of silver coins in Yuan Datou in the three years of the Republic of China are different from those in other years. The front pattern of silver coins in Yuan Datou in the three years of the Republic of China is the head portrait of Yuan Shikai, which reads as follows: in the three years of the Republic of China, there is no' creation' behind the word' year', and the word' creation' is added behind the word' year' of silver coins in Yuan Datou in other years.


The word " one circle" surrounded by Jiahe behind Yuan Datou was written by Luo Fukan, one of the " four great calligraphers" in Beijing during the period of the Republic of China. He is Luo Yinggong's second brother and Kang Youwei's disciple. Luo Fukan loved calligraphy from an early age. He began to learn European style at the age of 12 and changed his style at the age of 15. After the age of 18, he devoted himself to studying the inscriptions of the Six Dynasties. By the middle age, although he was not a calligrapher, he was already a famous Zhangcao artist in the north and south. In the early years of the Republic of China, Luo Fukan worked for the Spring Coin Department of the Ministry of Finance. At that time, his calligraphy was already very famous in the circle. As " Yuan Datou" was planning to mount a horse, the inscription on the coin fell on him.


At present, there is such a Yuan Datou displayed on the famous domestic art website, Century Collection. The above-mentioned " Three Years of the Republic of China" has the central design of a five-point portrait of Yuan Shikai on the front, with Jiahe surrounding the word " One Circle" on the back, and Jiahe grain on the back of Yuan Datou, which means " Rich, Beautiful and Auspicious" and Hehe is the grain seedling. " Golden Harvest" is the symbol of harvest and prosperity for the beautiful harvest. The ancients regarded the golden harvest design as a symbol of good luck. Coins are well preserved, the patterns and characters are clear, the pulp is thick, the rust is natural, and the silver dollar is unique and beautiful.
