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Zhejiang royal cabinet products recommended:


Name: ten years of the republic of China


Category: miscellaneous


Weight: 26.8 g

在民国期间推出了很多的银元,人们把这些银币叫做袁大头,其实这些银币主要是以袁世凯为主要的原型,而且是以袁世凯的头像为主要原型制作而成的,当时发行数量非常的少。流通的时间也非常的长。所以也受到了一些收藏爱好者的关注。即使是在今天,这些收藏爱好者也非常关注这些袁大头,那么现在民国十年袁大头最新价格在哪里可以找到呢! 民国十年袁大头最新价格在一些正规的收藏网站中都能够找到,这枚银元是在民国10年制作而成的,上面的图案和文字和以前的一些袁大头并没有什么差别,在其他方面并没有什么不同,但是唯一有区别的就是当时的发行数量比较小,由于当时的发行量比较少,所以现在存世数量也非常稀少了。如果要想真正的购买到的话,可能还要去一些正规的交易场所,现在这枚银币的价格也非常的高。

During the period of the republic of China launched a lot of silver, people call the silver yuan, actually these COINS by yuan shikai main prototype, and is the head of yuan shikai mainly prototyping, and then release quantity are few. The flow of time is very long. So I have also been some attention from collection lovers. Even today, the bulk collect lover also is very concerned about the yuan, now ten years of the republic of China yuan big head can be found where is the latest price! Ten years of the republic of China yuan bulk latest price in some regular collection can be found in site, this silver dollar is in 10 years of the republic of China is made and be become, before the above patterns and text and some of the big head there was no difference between yuan, there isn't anything different in other ways, but the only difference is the time of the issuance of the relatively small number, due to the time of the circulation is less, so now only the number is also very rare. If you want to really buy, may have to go to some regular trading places, now the price of this coin is also very high.

第一黄金网2月7日讯 "袁大头"在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。袁大头银元价格逐年上涨,有人预测袁大头价格还未到顶,看着一枚枚袁大头引爆收藏市场不禁疑问为什么袁大头银元会这么火爆,接下来小编将带大家一起揭秘袁大头最新市场价格以及疯涨原因。

First gold network - February 7 yuan "big head" in the money collecting is called treasure of silver, it is the most popular in China in nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver, silver varieties, and the greatest influence is also an important role in the monetary system reform in modern China. Yuen bulk silver price rises year by year, some predict yuen bulk price has not yet peaked, looked at the gold pieces big big head set collection market question why yuan yuan silver would be so hot, the next big head small make up to bring everyone together reveal yuan the latest market prices and soaring.


International gold price rise and fall, also stimulate the traditional collection market, nearly five years of time, the years of the republic of China "big head" yuan is up or down. "Big head" yuan in money collecting is called the treasure of silver, it is the most popular in China in nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver, silver varieties, and the greatest influence is also an important role in the monetary system reform in modern China.


After two years ago after silver price fluctuations, since this year, the market price of the "big head" yuan continued smoothly, some segments currencies rising momentum, especially in the "big head" yuan relatively rare species. Such as ordinary version of the "big head" yuan face value of one round in 60 yuan, the price of 2005 to 2006 rose to 1.2 million yuan, now don't buy less than 2 million yuan; A face value of the pentagon's "big head" yuan from 120 yuan in 2005 rose to 1.8 million yuan now.


Compared to coin market in recent years, in the past two years continuously depressed domestic art market, 2016 COINS to much active auction clearly, each plate products, wonderful, still rare coin clinch a deal valence has steadily increased, especially the coin of the republic of China in the Ming and qing dynasties the meteoric rise of the favor by high-end collectors because of rarity, become a new hotspot coin auction market.


On February 7, 1914 yuan shikai in the form of big presidential decree announced the regulations on the national currency and the national currency regulation enforcement rules, regulations, there are four silver coin type (one circle, the circle, two Angle, this Angle), a (5) of the nickel, copper five (binary, one point, five subsidiaries, 2 mm, usually one). National currency on one round silver as the standard currency, total weight library binary flat seven money (26.86 g), containing four silver money six of eight mile (23.9024808 g), with nine silver, copper, a copper (silver 89 instead, after 11) casting. Positive engrave yuan shikai profile and distribution nianhao, cast golden harvest grain and currency on the back. The national currency regulations published in the same year in the first "big head" yuan one round of tianjin mint COINS, in succession, such as guangdong, wuchang mint in nanjing after casting. Because of big yuan one round silver coin type uniform, colour, weight have strict rules, has received the social recognition and acceptance soon, in the domestic financial market gradually take the place of the qing Long Yang to become the standard currency in circulation.


Bulk of silver, will have to mention yuan yuan in the money collecting is called the treasure of silver, is our country modern COINS, influence among large varieties of silver. Yuan shikai in order to solve the military after the xinhai revolution, and enhance personal political position and issuance of silver currency, because silver cast with images on his side, therefore is also called "big head" yuan. The "big head" yuan silver luster, soft embellish white, with a light grey natural patina and a little green rust mark, part of the rust layer of bump, smooth edge tooth, tooth deep same size. Coin positive middle of yuan shikai uniform profile on the left, the above "made in the ten years of the republic of China"; Coin on the back of the two strains cross grain pattern, the central for the wording "one circle", better preserved, exquisite appearance, has the very high collection value.


In the current collection on the market, the "big head" yuan has opened up a hot money collection market, now of the ten years of the republic of China "big head" yuan is the investment opportunity of the collection, the appreciation potential is tremendous.


Yuen bulk decade auction record in recent years is as follows:

袁大头民国十年------------成交价:RMB1,800,000---成交日期: 2013-01-07

Yuan big ten years of the republic of China -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- price: RMB 1, 800000 - closing date: 2013-01-07

中华民国十年袁大头------成交价:RMB1,225,000---成交日期 2012-06-26

Ten years of the republic of China: big head -- -- -- -- -- - price yuan RMB 1, 225000 - closing date 2012-06-26


Ten years of the republic of China: big head -- -- -- -- -- - price yuan RMB 3, 180000 - closing date: 2016-12-19

中华民国十年袁大头---------成交价:RMB2,225,000---成交日期: 2015-01-05

Ten years of the republic of China yuan big head -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- price: RMB 2, 225000 - closing date: 2015-01-05
