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Yuan Shikai became the great President in April 1912.In view of the complexity of coinage and paper currency at that time, there were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currency in circulation, with different specifications, chaotic circulation and complicated translation. The people were resentful and wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency reform, so the Beiyang government decided to coin and issue national currency.Yuan Shikai, in order to enhance his dominance, had his head on the coin, hence the name "Yuan Tou".



Yuan Tou was one of the main currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. "Yuan Tou" is the colloquial name for yuan Shikai's series of COINS, or, to be more precise, "Yuan Shikai's jiahe silver coin".




The frontal design of "Yuan's Big head" silver coin, the middle is the left side image of Yuan Shikai (all bald) in military uniform, the top is "three years of the Republic of China";On the back are two intersecting ears of rice, with the words "one Yuan" in the center.For example, on the obverse, yuan Shikai's bald head is shown as the profile of Yuan Shikai. There is no "make" after the word "year". Other versions have a "make" after the word "year".In the third edition, there is a dot in the character "min", while in the other editions, there is no dot.Silver coin back center for the currency "one yuan", ring decorated with two crossed rice ears.The coin is well preserved and has a natural appearance. The writing and design are clearly recognizable.
