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The jade seal is commonly known as the imperial seal, the correct and professional title: Bao Xi. The jade seal refers to the jade seal of the emperor. The symbol of supreme power begins with Emperor Qin Shihuang. The ancient seal and seal were popularly known as gold or jade. The beginning of the imperial seal was from the Zhou Dynasty. When Zhou Zhaocai came to seal the seal and seal, the seal used by the emperor was called the seal. The name of the jade seal is due to the quality of emperors and heaven in ancient times, and jade is the quality of the emperor, so the jade seal is the seal used by the emperor.


The earliest imperial seal of China is the national seal of the first emperor of Qin. This jade is taken from the jade land of HISHI Bi, and the seal is the seal. On the "harmony", the seal script said "life in heaven, the life of Yongchang". Later, it was regarded as a symbol of orthodoxy in successive dynasties. After that, the emperors began to engrave their jade seals to show the imperial power and prestige.


The material of the jade seal is also a lot. Although the emperor's seal is called the jade seal, the texture of the jade is not necessarily jade. The materials used in many emperors' imperial seals include animal bone, copper, silver, Balin Stone, Shoushan stone, agate and so on. Each emperor's jade seal is not only a piece, according to the needs of the state, but also divided into civil affairs, finance, justice, military affairs and so on. The shapes of the jade seals are varied, mostly for ancient Chinese gods and beasts, such as the brave, the old, the chili, and so on, but the dragon shaped jade seal is more general.

在新疆和田玉中,以颜色来说可以分别出以下几种:羊脂白玉和白玉,和田玉籽料青白玉,和田玉籽料 青翠,和田玉籽料黑青玉,和田玉籽料黄沁,和田玉山料糖玉,和田玉山料黄糖,和田玉山料红糖,和田玉籽料墨玉,和田玉黄口料,和田玉碧玉。

In Xinjiang and Tian Yuzhong, in color, the following are the following: the white jade and the white jade, the green white jade from the Tian Yu seed, the green of the field jade grain, the black jade from the field jade grain, the field jade grain, the yellow sugar jade, the yellow sugar of the Tian Yushan, the black sugar of the field jade grain, the field jade grain, the Yada yellowmouth, and the field. Jade and Jasper.


There are many kinds of Hetian jade, and the white jade is a high quality variety in Hetian jade. The white jade is pure white with grease and luster. The light halo under the candlelight is soft and yellowing. It is like fat, and the son jade of the white jade is soaked in the ground water and soil of the Underland of the Kunlun Mountains or in the oasis for millions of years. The value of the quantity is very high. White jade is pure and white, delicate and moist, with few blemishes. Its characteristic is that it is exquisite, bright and warm. The best mutton white jade is almost flawless, just like the fat fat that has just been cut, and the luster is just like condensed oil.


The identification points of mutton white jade must meet five aspects: pure texture, fine structure, full head, color, white fat and heavy oil. The fine texture of the grease, "color such as cut fat", and the gloss of "often like fat," conforms to the implicit aesthetic concept of Chinese traditional culture. It is not flamboyant, unflamboyant and undazzling.


At present, such a jade Hetian jade (Yang Zhiyu) is displayed on the famous art website in China tiger patten art net. This jade seal is made from the highest quality variety of Tian Yuzhong. The white jade is a high quality white jade. The color is white, green and yellow. The texture is fine and moist, the oil is good, the cleft is less, a small number of stone flowers are available, the impurities are less than 10%, and the sugar color is less than 30%. The total weight is 518.870g, the density is 2.95g/cm, the light characteristic is heterogeneous collection, white, transparency is translucent to opaque, fiber interwoven structure, fine texture. This jade Hetian jade (Yang Zhiyu) is very tough and its color is crystal clear, mild and elegant. It not only symbolizes the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, intelligence, courage and cleanliness, but also symbolizes the secular feeling of "beauty, nobility, auspiciousness, gentleness and tranquility".
