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英文翻译:Xianfeng Heavy treasure is a kind of copper coin. This kind of copper coin is very exquisite, with clear and deep handsome handwriting, fine copper material, light red or yellow, and exquisite money, without any slippiness, slightly larger and heavier than the money circulating in the same edition.

The casting material of Xianfeng Heavy treasure is mainly brass, and there have been coins made of iron coins and other materials. In addition, there is a palace coin made of gold, silver, tortoiseshell, white copper and other materials. It is larger in shape and thicker in money body. It belongs to the royal festival money. The official version is made of 75% copper, 20% zinc, 3% tin and other materials. The mother money contains higher purity copper.

Xianfeng Heavy treasure copper coins

The front side of this "Xianfeng Heavy treasure" coin is engraved with the words "Xianfeng Heavy treasure", which is clear and vigorous. View of its cast, cast orderly, the edge is round, flat chapter, wearing edge clean, excellent foundry, but also show the word profile deep tall and straight, refined add. Appreciate its qian wen, it can be seen that xianfeng Chongbao's unique font end beautiful bright eye, very tolerant!

The back of the coin cast "when ten" words, around the Manwen Baoquan Mint Bureau, the text is correct, smooth, stretch. The overall coin surface shape is more distinct, bronze round coin, square hole in the middle, coin oxidation is consistent before and after, there is obvious original light pulp, this coin is a beautiful coin to open the door to the generation. Xianfeng Heavy Treasure identity is very noble, is the love of many coin collectors and research experts, so it also shows an excellent market collection value.

Coin patina nature, downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, The destruction of patina is equivalent to the destruction of the protective layer, and more importantly, patina is the simplest and effective way to identify new and old coins. A close look at the coin appearance is perfect, no damage, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collectible copper coin. It is recommended to collect and pass down.

The creation and development history of bronze jian in China can be traced back to the shang and Zhou dynasties when the primitive society entered the slavery society. It reached its peak stage in the Spring and Autumn and warring States periods, and continued to the Qin and Han dynasties later.

Until the appearance of the iron sword, bronze sword gradually disappeared. Through field archaeological excavations, bronze weapons, including bronze swords, have been unearthed all over the country, which emerge in endless succession and are of great color. In particular, some years ago, the discovery of Fuchai swords of King Wu and Goujian swords of King Yue shocked both home and abroad, becoming rare treasures.

Bronze sword with circular handle

Bronze jian also has different specifications, this jian is the same level as Gou Jian jian of King Yue, with round handle and spiral lines, which makes it easier to grip, belonging to bronze jian used by generals, with higher specifications, red and green rust on the body, which shows open door, and a rib in the center connects to the head, with simple and beautiful shape.

In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the trend of sword wearing prevailed, and many outstanding decoration techniques were concentrated on the sword, among which the concentric circle decoration located at the end of the head of the bronze sword attracted the attention of the scientific and technological history due to its exquisite production technology.

In the fighting, the primary function of bronze sword is to stab the enemy and Pierce the armor of the opponent, while the secondary function is chopping and pulling. The key to making a sword in the Bronze Age was how much tin was added to the copper when it was smelted. Tin is low, the sword is too soft; Tin, hard sword, but easy to break. Quantitative chemical analysis of Qin jian shows that the ratio of copper and tin makes the hardness and toughness of bronze jian just right. As the last peak of bronze jian casting technology, Qin Jian achieved almost perfect combination of length, hardness and toughness, thus greatly increasing its attack performance. Although this jian has a long history, its edge is still visible, its overall appearance is perfect, and it has a high collection value.
