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英文名称:The Kenyan olivine meteorite






陨石是太阳系的“考古”标本,根据对陨石中铀、钍、钾等元素的同位素组成的测定,可以推算出:太阳系元素的年龄为54±4亿年,元素形成后至太阳星云凝聚之间的“间隔年龄” 为1—3亿年,太阳星云开始凝聚是在距今47 亿年前,太阳系中各类陨石凝结的年龄大约是 45—46亿 年,这也可以作为太阳系各行星形成的年龄。由此可见,研究陨石对太阳系演化的年代学的研究有多么重要的意义。 陨石在太阳系茫茫空间运行过程中,有可能由于受到碰撞而破碎,碎片直接暴露在宇宙射线之下,会形成许多种宇宙成因核素。对陨石中各种宇宙成因核素的研究, 可以为我们探讨银河系宇宙射线的成分、能谱,认识宇宙线的长期变化规律,弄清高能核反应的特点,故而,陨石又被称作宇宙空间的天然“探测器”。





印章,亦称图章,用作印于文件上表示鉴定或签署的文具,一般印章都会先沾上颜料再印上,不沾颜料、印上平面后会呈现凹凸的称为钢印,有些是印于蜡或火漆上、信封上的蜡印。制作材质有 金属、木头、石头、玉石等。




英文名称:Hetian topaz seal





卫长君,原名卫长子,后改表字为长君 。河东平阳(今山西临汾)人。西汉名将卫青、卫思后卫子夫的长兄。官职为侍中。




汉武帝建元二年,卫长君的妹妹卫子夫在平阳公主府被武帝看中,带回宫中。建元三年,卫子夫复幸有孕,尊宠日隆,陈皇后嫉妒卫子夫,其母馆陶公主绑架了卫青。卫青获救后,汉武帝召子夫的哥哥卫长君 、弟弟卫青作了侍中。到卫家兄弟都显贵时,几天里赏赐达千金之多。卫君孺嫁给了太仆公孙贺作妻子。卫少儿原先跟陈掌私通,皇上召见陈掌让他当官。子夫作了皇帝夫人。卫青当上了太中大夫 。而后十年,卫子夫受到大幸,有宠,育有三女 [5] 。元朔元年生男孩刘据,遂被立为皇后 。











英文翻译:Most of the stone meteorites are chondritic meteorites, the parent bodies of chondritic meteorites are some small asteroids, the chemical composition is similar to the undifferentiated solar nebula 4.5 billion years ago, their volume is not enough to appear melting and geological differentiation, so they have not encountered the melting or geological differentiation of the parent bodies, the structure has not changed.

Meteorites are pieces of debris from other bodies in the solar system outside Earth. The vast majority come from asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. A few come from the moon and Mars. Meteorites are usually divided into three categories according to the content of iron and nickel in their interior: stone meteorites, iron meteorites and stone meteorites. The Olivine meteorite is one of the rarest and most precious meteorites, with less than 1% found globally.

The collection is introduced

Kenyan olivine meteorite

English name: The Kenyan November 11, 2013

Specification: One piece (16*13* 0.5cm)

Weight: 304.7 grams

Category: Miscellaneous

Product phase: Mepin (for anti-rust treatment)

This stone meteorite regular shape, texture strong, high specific gravity, easy to collect and preserve, meteorites have always been auspicious stone, the outside of the day, "stone to run" meaning good. This meteorite beauty if the star river gold, black, silver alternate, strewn at random, formed a very beautiful structure, is due to the meteorite in the atmosphere friction to produce a great high temperature, the meteorite inside the material purification, to achieve a gem like beautiful texture.

Meteorites are the "archaeological" specimens of the solar system, according to the meteorites uranium, thorium, potassium and other elements of the isotopic composition of measurement, can be calculated: the age of the solar system elements for 54-400 million, element to after the formation of the solar nebula cohesion between "space age" for the 1, 300 million, the solar nebula began to condense is in about 4.7 billion years ago, all types of meteorites condensation in the solar system is about 45-4.6 billion age, it also can be used as the planets in the solar system formation of the age. Thus, the study of meteorites to the evolution of the solar system chronology is of great significance. As meteorites travel through the vast space of the solar system, they may break up due to collisions, and the debris is directly exposed to cosmic rays, forming many kinds of cosmogenic nuclides. The study of all kinds of cosmogenic nuclides in meteorites can help us to explore the composition and energy spectrum of cosmic rays in the Milky Way galaxy, understand the long-term variation rules of cosmic rays, and make clear the characteristics of high-energy nuclear reactions. Therefore, meteorites are also known as the natural "detectors" of space.

The climate of Kenya in Africa is hot and dry, which is conducive to the preservation of meteorites. Therefore, the olivine meteorites found on the surface of the earth have better appearance and better quality than meteorites excavated underground (meteorites excavated underground are buried in the soil for years, and the water in the soil corrodes meteorites for a long time, resulting in serious oxidation of meteorites). This is also an important criterion for judging the value of Kenyan olivine meteorites in China. Domestic usually use "surface goods", "underground goods" to distinguish.

The most obvious feature of the surface cargo is the thin rust layer, the surface can be seen exposed peridot crystals, the meteorite inside the peridot crystals are golden.

When the good quality Kenyan olivine meteorite is cut open, the olivine crystals inside can be seen to be golden in color, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Have meteorites is considered auspicious rock: sometimes for work, more of heaven to be a good one million head, in this era of rapid renminbi devaluation, businessmen are more willing to invest a rare product, is the so-called daughter comes easily, a treasure is hard to find, at present people pursuit of meteorites more than diamonds, moreover meteorites make tea, magnetic field to adjust the human body, achieve the goal of fitness regimen. These two meteorites look very good, do a base can be a decoration, ornamental value and collection value is very high.

Seals, also known as seals, are used as stationery for marking identification or signature on documents. Generally, seals are stained with paint before being printed. If the seals are not coated with paint, they will appear concave and convex after being printed on the flat surface. The production materials are metal, wood, stone, jade and so on.

Hetian topaz is one of the four main colors of Hetian jade in Xinjiang. Glittering and translucent get clear, soft be like fat, quality of a material is exquisite, moisten, with lubricious yellow and arrogant, embellish be like fat person make its value expensive, it is rare rare, it is the treasure in jade, output is very few, can compare with amniotic jade.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hetian topaz seal

English name: The Kenyan November 11, 2013

Specification: One piece (2.4cm square stamp)

Category: Jade

Product phase: Mepin (for anti-rust treatment)

This for the seal script wei Jun, seal cutting strong and powerful, very exquisite.

Wei Changjun, formerly known as the eldest son of Wei, changed his name to changjun. He Dong Pingyang (now Linfen, Shanxi) people. The elder brother of Wei Qing, the general of the Western Han Dynasty, and Wei Zifu, the empress Wei. The official position is the aide.

Wei Changjun died around yuanguang year. Later, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty worshiped Wei Qing as his general and attacked the Huns.

Wei Changjun was born in the last years of Emperor Wen of The Han Dynasty. His family name was Wei, and he lived in the territory of pingyang Marquis. His father died early without carrying, mother with husband's name said Wei, had been pingyang Hou child, said hou concubine.

Wei Changjun is the eldest brother in the family, there are three younger sisters and three younger brothers, namely, Wei Junsu, Wei Xiaozi, Wei Zifu, Wei Qing, Wei Bu, Wei Guang.

Emperor Wudi jianyuan two years, Wei Changjun's sister Wei Zifu in pingyang princess palace by the emperor, back to the palace. Jian Yuan three years, Weizifu was pregnant again, zun Pet Sun Long, Empress Chen jealous Of Weizifu, his mother princess guantao kidnapped Weizifu. After Wei Qing was rescued, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty invited His elder brothers Wei Changjun and Wei Qing to serve as waiters. When the wei brothers were all dignitaries, they gave as much as a thousand pieces of gold in a few days. Wei Junshu married his wife, gongsun He. Wei children originally with Chen palm fornication, the emperor summoned Chen palm let him as an official. Zifu became the emperor's wife. Wei Qing became a doctor. In the following ten years, Weizifu was blessed and had three daughters. In the first year of Yuanshuo was born a boy named Liu, so he was appointed queen.

Before this, Wei Changjun had died, but wei Qing was the general, and Wei Qing made great achievements in the war against xiongnu, and was granted marquis Changping. Then Wei zhi belongs to five hou, your earthquake days.

Seal script, one of the ancient Chinese characters, also known as seal script. It is a general term for ancient Chinese characters. "Seal the seal, preach also, preach its physics, the infinite." The ancient people think seal script is made by Cangjie, actually it is not credible. The production of a language has to go through a long process of gestation and development. It is impossible for a person to complete it in a short period of time. The broad seal style includes all the calligraphic styles and genera before the official script, such as the golden script, the Stone drum script, the ancient script of the six states, the small seal script, the Miushuan, and the overlapping seal script, etc. Narrow sense mainly refers to "Big Seal character" and "Small seal character". Seal character delimits circle to turn, the structure depends on the meaning of six characters, so Tang Sun Guo Court that: "seal character wan and pass".

The main design of the seal is a three-dimensional lion, which is called lion button seal. This lion button seal diffuses the natural light, and the bottom light is soft and extremely warm. The carving process of lion is simple and clear, which conforms to the characteristics of han Dynasty's knife work, commonly known as Han Badao.

The bottom Yin carved seal body is exquisite, the jade quality is exquisite, the seal is small and easy to carry and collect, the topaz is warm and smooth, delicate, its sound is like the lingering sound of the golden rock, must rise again and the residual sound is far and deep, slowly but completely. He is the most Chinese culture, like a family prince, without fear of change. He was mature, reserved, modest and submissive, full of life and yet so firm. No matter in Qin Songs, Han Fu, Tang poetry or Song ci, he was all that gorgeous, never lost color in the course of time.

The topaz matrix is white jade, which forms yellow tone in the cracks due to long-term percolation of iron oxide in surface water. According to the chromaticity

Change gives a name for: beeswax yellow, chestnut yellow, okra yellow, yellow flower yellow, chicken yolk. The ancients to "yellow similar steamed pears" for the best. The beeswax yellow with dense chroma, chestnut yellow is very rare, its economic value can reach amniotic white jade. In the Qing Dynasty, as topaz for "emperor" harmonics, and very rare, once more than the economic value of white jade.

Topaz hardness, up to 6.5, fine texture, strong toughness, with a typical oil sheen, gloss. Colloquially, it means like chicken fat, oily, waxy, and crispy.

Topaz is a typical gas-forming hydrothermal mineral, which is produced in granite pegmatite, acid volcanic rock crystal caverns, dolomite and high-temperature hydrothermal tungstan-tin quartz veins. The ancients to "yellow similar steamed pear" the best. Due to impurity, it presents different yellow colors, from light yellow, sweet yellow to yellowish bright green. Can be divided into honeysuckle yellow, millet yellow, okra yellow, yellow flower yellow, egg yolk, cream-colored yellow, yellow boxwood. Among them the color such as new peel ripe chestnut person is expensive, sweet topaz, scorched yellow person is inferior. The crystal particles of topaz are generally small, but the energy is warm, thick and penetrating. Corresponding to the sun wheel, topaz is a very calm and stable jade, which can bring warmth and courage.

Yellow is like gold, the color of the earth, the radiance of the fire, is considered sacred by Buddhists and emperors. Topaz in addition to the unique solemn and magnificent color, in ancient China, yellow represents the color of the king, and used by the religion, there is noble, showily, dignified, mysterious feeling. Yellow is considered the color of the sun and the earth. Such as the later Han Liu Xi's "Name of Salvation" : "Yellow, sway, still wobble, like the color of the sun is also. Xu Shen, a scholar of Confucian classics and philology in the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote in Shuo Wen: "Yellow is the color of the earth." A symbol of the growth of all things in the sun and the land, by people's worship. Yellow and gold with the same color, and let us think of the "ancient gold and jade department of good marriage" said, topaz seems to be integrated with the nature of gold and jade, so that it has a high ornamental and deeper cultural deposits.

This celebrity, from the han dynasty jade seal, dated WeiChangJun, general of han dynasty, once in also is mentioned general wei ch 'ing's glorious deeds, is a witness celebrity deeds antique treasures, and has tremendous value for han dynasty history research, seal itself, the quality of the jade stone, belong to the finest hotan topaz, at the time of the carving list, has a very high collection value.
