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In the four years of "Yuan Datou", the circulation of "Yuan Datou" made in the ten years of the Republic of China was less, resulting in less existence. Therefore, "Yuan Datou" made in the decade of the Republic of China has a high collection value. "Big head" yuan ten years of the republic of China was released in 1921, its main material is silver, silver positive pattern is yuan shikai uniform on the left side of the face, like the back of the coin is composed of two strains of grain, is the main pattern is printed with one round in the middle of the coin, money most of the outer ring is straight tooth edge, general production are excellent.

"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver dollar variety among nearly 1,000 kinds of modern silver coins in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. During the Reign of Emperor Guangxu, as the silver coins were cast in various provinces, they were not unified in weight and color, but also difficult to control in quantity. Xinhai revolution broke out, provinces because of the rush to use money, not only processing cast silver yuan, but also indiscriminate casting copper, banknotes and military tickets, currency system is more chaotic.

Ten years of the Republic of China Yuan Datou silver coin. Good front casting, slight patina throughout. Yuan Datou silver coin because the shape of the coin is uniform, weight and color have strict regulations, once circulated, it soon received the acceptance of the people and social recognition, in the financial market soon replaced the original Qing Dynasty Longyang, became the main coin in the circulation field. Today, Yuan Datou silver dollar has attracted the attention of collectors because of its high artistic ornamental value and cultural relic value. It also has certain functions of maintaining and appreciating value.
