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1894年11月24日,孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会 [6] 。1905年(光绪三十一年)成立中国同盟会。1911年10月10日(宣统三年)新军中的革命党人暗中联络,决定当天晚上起义。辛亥革命后被推举为中华民国临时大总统(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孙中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根据其生前遗愿,葬于南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,国民政府通令全国,尊称其为“中华民国国父”。


英文翻译:After the establishment of the Republic of China, the central finance almost had no revenue, and the financial crisis was very serious. In the short term, the issue of paper money is also a clever way to collect money, but the paper money is the representative of silver dollars, is the exchange certificate, if there is no silver dollars full preparation and wide circulation, the credit of paper money is difficult to establish. At this moment, the currency reform is urgent -- "Yuan Datou" silver dollar is based on this and the birth, but also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After years of casting and its high reputation, "Yuan Datou" has increased in number and spread widely. Although it is far away from home, there are traces of it. The passage of "Yuan Datou" silver dollar promoted the unification of silver dollar, and also prepared the conditions for the "waste two yuan", and fixed the position of Yuan Datou currency from now on.

"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely spread and the most influential silver dollar variety among nearly one thousand kinds of modern Chinese silver coins, and it is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system.

Yuan Datou silver yuan of the Republic of China

Big head, big head in need three years of the republic of China yuan yuan this bulk circulation of at least one year of yuan, because he was a wrong version of the existence of general yuan big head is seven words, more than a "made" word, in only three years of the republic of China of all bulk yuan yuan big head there is no word, word is a bit more, this is also with the rest of the money, a big difference between We can see the front of Yuan Datou portrait and internal tooth contact is less a tooth, which is an important point for insiders to identify the authenticity of the coin, the whole circle of this coin is less a tooth, then the purpose is to prevent counterfeiting, and the later imitation of the coin is not paid attention to this detail.

Coin positive are five yuan shikai profile, the calendar above, three years of the republic of China, the collection value is extremely high, big head big head is called yuan yuan because behind this silver was printed with yuan shikai side face of the photo, and it also issued by his silver medal, the first silver dollar value because of it's different from the yuan, It was introduced from abroad as an important way for Yuan Shikai to solve the problem of military expenditure and improve his personal status after the Revolution of 1911 in the Qing Dynasty.

On the back of Jiahe grain: Jiahe ", the United States, strong Wo, large Wo, auspicious Wo also. The Eastern Han Dynasty Xu Shen "said the text" cloud: "Wo, Jia Gu also. It is planted in February, and began to be ripe in August. In time, it is called Wo." Wang Chong "on balance, speak Ruiji" cloud: "Jiahe was born in Wo, and Wo different ear, that is Jiahe." The ancients to "Jiahe" for auspicious things, and Ganlu li spring and said. Such as Ban Gu "Book of Han · Gongsun Hong" cloud: "dew drop, wind and rain, Jiahexing." That is, the growth of particularly strong rice, the ancients saw Jiahe pattern as a symbol of good luck.

There are Jiahe patterns on Chinese coins, and now there are on the national emblem. The most typical pattern of Jiahe is the pattern on the back of "Yuan Datou".

Back Jiahe two, left and right interaction, under the knot belt, cast "one circle" two words. Over the years, in the silver collection area, has a name, is not always hear, that is "big head" yuan, especially in recent years, as the gold and silver price strength and market, and many there were more than the market price of the old silver dollar rise, some of these special version, good appearance, only rare treasures, is immeasurable.

This three years of big head design clarity, yuan enough pressure to open the door, patina natural and downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated COINS with a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy dry cotton cloth, Do not destroy the coating, the destruction of the coating is equivalent to the destruction of the protective layer, more importantly, the coating is the most simple and effective way to identify the new and old coins. Take a close look at the perfect appearance of this coin, without knocking, damage, deformation and so on. It is not a good collection of coins. It is suggested to collect and hand down.

Shuangfan coin in the Republic of China is one of the most famous mechanism coins in China in recent years. The reason why it is famous is mainly because of its historic and rare nature. According to relevant information, most of this coin is made in the Shanghai Central Mint, the current retained value of the general only one yuan and the middle of the two. Because the national government at that time carried out the policy of "fiat currency", it was not allowed to circulate the silver yuan currency privately among the people, so the Shuangfan coin of the Republic of China was less circulated in the market.

Sun Yat-sen was a great forerunner of China's democratic revolution. He initiated and led the Revolution of 1911, which completely overthrew the feudal dynasty that had lasted more than 2,000 years in China. In order to let the world remember Sun Yat-sen's great achievements, a large number of coin versions with Sun Yat-sen's head were issued during the Republic of China. Now it is one of the most popular coin collections.

Rating currency, the so-called rating currency is by the rating company, authenticity identification, score and then use acrylic transparent box sealed, so that it is no longer oxidizing, can also be very good to protect the appearance of the coin, for coin fidelity, if it is a copy is not allowed into the box rating. To escort the transaction of coins, there is no doubt in the antiques collection world the collection price is extremely high, which is the so-called ripe goods, which is also the first sign of the maturity of the coin market.

In the twenty-third year of the Republic of China, Sun Xiaotou rated coins

Shuangfan was cast by the Shanghai Central Mint in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. The whole coin is cast in snow silver, with the words "the twenty-third year of the Republic of China" cast on the front, and the lower end as the profile of Sun Yat-sen. On the back, there are "one circle" cast at both ends of the center, and a pair of sailboats are riding the wind and waves in the middle. The coin text is clear, the pattern is exquisite, the head is vivid and vivid, the casting technology is very exquisite, and the collection is well preserved, its color and lustre is natural, although a little rust does not hinder its product phase, but more natural and delicate, the depth of text and text is appropriate. In the coin, Sun Yat-sen's head is lifelike. The design is novel and the foundry is exquisite.

The sailing coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous products in the modern Chinese mechanism coins. It is famous because of its historic and rare nature. According to relevant information, Sun Yat-sen's head of the double sail coin, more by the Shanghai Central Mint produced by the completion of.

On November 24, 1894, Sun Yat-sen founded the Xingzhong Society in Honolulu. In 1905 (the thirty-first year of Guangxu Emperor), the Chinese Tongmenghui was founded. On October 10, 1911 (three years of Xuantong) the revolutionary party in the new army secretly contacted and decided to revolt that night. After the Revolution of 1911, he was elected as the Provisional President of the Republic of China (his term of office was from January 1, 1912 to April 1, 1912). Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing on March 12, 1925. On June 1, 1929, he was buried in Zhongshan Mausoleum of Purple Mountain in Nanjing according to his will. In 1940, the Nationalist Government decreed that he was the "Father of the Republic of China".

This piece of the twenty-three years of the Republic of 1934 Shuangfan coin is also known as the "father of the nation silver coin", so that future generations can remember the great man of Sun Yat-sen. This coin looks fine, no ke is missing, damaged, the original light patina, silks and satins bottom light, rating by rating companies into the box, one of the most authoritative "PCGS, commonly known as P box, the rating currency can trust collection, coin collecting value most appearance, appearance is coin collecting life, after a long time can have such a perfect appearance, very rare, Founding father coin has a very high historical commemorative value and economic collection value.
