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所以铸造的袁大头的数量也不多,因此流通到市场上的货币也比较少。不过,鉴于袁大头是民国开国以后第一批铸造的代表民国的钱币,自有其特殊的历史地位,它也代表了中国近代的货币文化。所以袁大头一直以来都是收藏的热门。因为它反映了我国近代历史、经济的兴衰,不只有一定的艺术观赏价值,其收藏价值更高。其实袁大头成为收藏热门并且其市场价值一年比一年高的原因除了它的特殊的历史意义以外,更为根本的还是它的存世量少,本身铸造量就不是很多,再加上经年累月,在岁月的洗礼之下,很多币种成为珍稀品种,所以说,这几年,哪怕市场一片萎靡不振的情况之下,袁大头依然能够成为翘楚,继续保持稳定的市值不跌。不过,袁大头并非只有一个版本,不一样版本的袁大头在价格上其实存在很大差异。在民国九年的时候,有发行过这样一个特殊的版本。其存世量也非常少,之前民国八年发行的版本是那种连口造,这个版本是民国八年和民国十年版本的造字结构综合体。虽然也是连口的,但是民国九年的版本的造字多了一撇。而且,民国九年的一元银元的铸造精美,币面非常秀气文雅。在钱币的正面自然是袁世凯的侧头像,在袁世凯像的上方刻着 “中华民国九年”几个字。在其背面的中间刻的是钱币的币值 “壹圆”,在币值的两方围着嘉禾左右交互下系结带。其实民国九年这个版本算是很多版本的袁大头中独一无二的。收藏本身就带有猎奇性,正是由于这个版本的独特性以及它的存世量少的原因,所以,价值非常高。如果碰上一些品相较好的钱币,那收藏价值肯定还会再提升,市场价格势必也会更占优势一些,具有较高的收藏价值。


With the development of the coin market, silver dollar has become a pastry in the collection market. Judging from the current market, the silver yuan of the Republic of China is a very popular collection. Especially yuan Datou, a very important currency in circulation during the period of the Republic of China. Because of its importance, yuan Datou is still very popular in the collection market, and its market value has increased again and again. It has become the main collection in the collection industry in recent years, not only at home, but also at the forefront of the antique collection market in the world. Yuan Datou's full name is actually Yuan Shikai, like Jiahe silver coin. Before yuan Datou was minted and circulated in the market, the government of the Republic of China always used the currency of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, in order to rectify the currency system, it no longer relied on the coins of the Qing Dynasty, but also maintained social stability and development and safeguarded the authority of the new government. Therefore, the Beiyang Government of the Republic of China issued some regulations and decided to reform the monetary system and implement the silver standard system. The silver dollar with the value of one yuan was first minted. From December 1914 to February of the next year, many factories began to mainly use one yuan silver coins. For example, the general mint and Jiangnan mint. At that time, the one yuan silver coin also showed Yuan Shikai's own ambition. In order to expand his influence, he engraved Yuan Shikai's big head on the silver coin. Yuan Shikai was not in power for a long time, so the number of yuan Datou cast was not large, so there were few currencies circulating in the market. However, since Yuan Datou was the first batch of coins to represent the Republic of China after the founding of the Republic of China, it has its special historical status, and it also represents the currency culture of modern China. Therefore, yuan Datou has always been a popular collector. Because it reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history and economy, it has not only certain artistic appreciation value, but also higher collection value. In fact, apart from its special historical significance, the more fundamental reason why yuan Datou has become a popular collector and its market value is higher year by year is that it has a small amount of survival and its casting quantity is not much. In addition, over the years, many currencies have become rare varieties under the baptism of years. Therefore, yuan Datou can still become a leader in recent years, even if the market is depressed, Continue to maintain a stable market value. However, there is not only one version of yuan Datou. Different versions of yuan Datou actually have great differences in price. In the ninth year of the Republic of China, such a special version was released. Its existence is also very small. The previous version issued in the eighth year of the Republic of China is the kind of continuous oral creation. This version is the combination of the word formation structure of the eighth year of the Republic of China and the tenth year of the Republic of China. Although it is also oral, the word creation of the version in the ninth year of the Republic of China is a little more. Moreover, in the ninth year of the Republic of China, the casting of one yuan silver yuan was exquisite, and the coin surface was very delicate and elegant. On the front of the coin is naturally the side head of Yuan Shikai, and the words "nine years of the Republic of China" are engraved on the top of Yuan Shikai. In the middle of the back is the value of the coin "one yuan", which is tied around Jiahe on both sides of the value. In fact, in the ninth year of the Republic of China, this version is unique among many versions of yuan Datou. The collection itself is curious. It is precisely because of the uniqueness of this version and its small amount of existence, so it is of high value. If you encounter some coins with better quality, the collection value will certainly increase again, and the market price will be more dominant, with higher collection value.
