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As the leader of the warlords silver coin in the Republic of China, Yuan Datou is no stranger to coin collectors. The birth of Yuan Datou silver dollar is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After the 1911 Revolution, the silver dollar issued by Yuan Shikai in order to solve military expenses and improve his personal political status was named after the silver yuan was cast with his side image.


近期公司有幸征集到一枚“中华民国三年袁大头” 品相非常好,纹饰清晰,是民国时期特有的产物,钱币经本公司专家组鉴定是真品,此枚钱币经历了漫长岁月的洗涤及流传过程中人们的抚摸,边缘呈现出平滑的视觉感,稍有瑕疵,历史积淀显著,年代感强烈,有着非常明显的历史过渡性特征,其有着难以言喻的收藏价值。从钱币的钱文、轮廓以及纹饰的完整度来看,其保存较好,质量甚佳,纹饰线条粗细均匀,层次感强,浮雕感明显,且此币存世量极少,十分珍贵,故而,具有颇高的历史价值和投资价值,值得珍藏!

In the near future, the company has been lucky to collect a "three year Yuan Datou of the Republic of China", which is very good and clear. It is a unique product of the Republic of China. The coin has been authenticated by the company's expert group. The coin has gone through the long years of washing and spread in the process of people's touch, the edge presents a smooth sense of vision and a slight sense of vision. Flaws, historical accumulation, strong sense of the times, with a very clear historical transitional characteristics, it has an unspeakable collection value. From the sum of money, outline and ornamentation of the coin, it has good preservation, good quality, uniform lines, strong sense of hierarchy, and obvious relief, which is rare and precious, so it has high historical value and investment value.








"Yuan Da head", carrying the footprints of modern Chinese history, represents modern monetary culture and reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance in China. It has a high value of artistic appreciation and cultural relics, and also has a certain value preservation and appreciation function. It is understood that the Northern Warlords Government formally cast the Yuan Shikai silver coin, first casting Yuan Datou silver coins in the Nanjing mint, and after the casting of the mint in Guangdong, Wuchang and other mint. In the period of the Republic of China, the warlords in the Republic of China, the warlords in various places were casting Yuan Datou in succession, resulting in the poor quality of the surviving Yuan Datou and the loss of a large number of silver coins. Destroyed, the number of Yuan Dai head retained by the people is not too much, especially precious, and also a rare treasure in modern silver coins.









