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After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai assumed office as "interim president" and then became the official president. At that time, in order to consolidate domestic political stability and develop the national economy, and also prepared for the "constitutional" and "emperor", we issued the Regulations on State coins and resolutely decided to "unify the currency system" in the country.

1912年4月袁世凯出任大总统。北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,趁机把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来. “袁大头”首次的铸造时间是民国三年,而且该币被定为中华民国国币,因此,它在我国的钱币史上具有非常重要的地位。

Yuan Shikai became the Grand President in April 1912. In view of the complicated coins and banknotes circulating at that time, more than 100 Chinese and foreign currencies, different specifications, chaotic circulation, complicated translation, and resentment by the public. At the same time, the Beiyang government wanted to solve the problem of military expenditure, it decided to cast national coins. Yuan Shikai, in order to improve his dominance, took the opportunity to cast his head on the face of the coins, including Yuan Big Head, which was first cast in the three years of the Republic of China, so it has a very important position in the history of Chinese coins.




Private cast coins actually began more than two thousand years ago. Private coins are characterized by forging smaller and frivolous coins from the coins officially cast in their own country, or from their neighbors, to earn the value of the remaining metal. Therefore, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty severely stopped the private casting and promoted the unified Shanglin three officials and five baht. In fact, private casting coins in all dynasties, repeatedly banned not only because private casting coins are profitable.


Generally speaking, private coin is simply the composition of substandard local coins are: large banks, warlords during the war period, and even some big family coins! These coins are called private coins, and another point that these private coins are not counterfeit, are recognized and circulated. There is some reason for these private coins exist.


该枚 中华民国三年袁大头私铸币重:17.3g 径:37.60mm 厚:2.32mm。 “袁大头”正面为袁世凯五分侧面像,上列“中华民国三年”六字,背面两条嘉禾,左右交互,下系结带,中铸‘壹圆’二字。即使是“百年高龄”,但是仍然保存完整,品相较好。

The Yuan Head private cast coin in the three years of the Republic of China, heavy: 17.3g diameter: 37.60mm thick: 2.32mm "Yuan Head" front is five side image of Yuan Shikai, listed six words "three years of the Republic of China", two Jiahe, left and right interaction, the next tie belt, the cast "one circle" two characters. Even "a hundred years old", but it is still intact, good appearance.



In April 1912, Yuan Shikai became the chief president and decided to cast the national money for military costs, with the help of monetary restructuring. The first casting time of "Yuan Big Head" was the three years of the Republic of China, which had a very important position in the history of Chinese coin. During the war, warlords made coins, or even some big families! These coins are called private coins, and another point that these private coins are not counterfeit, are recognized and circulated.


There is some reason for these private coins exist. Smart bank, silver found that it also began to cast private coins, the content is different compared with the official coins. The composition is not up to standard, and the official currency for exchange and circulation, but also with foreign trade exchanges! This is the creation of private coins!

此枚中华民国袁大头私铸币(正面)为袁世凯左侧五分像,上铸“中华民国三年 中文简体,具有很高的历史文化研究价值,寓意“民主、共和、宪政及君主立宪“之思想希冀。更难为可贵的此组钱币为私铸币,当时的发行量远远少于流通货币,相对应价格也会是流通货币之上。“袁大头”在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色,更有收藏价值。

This Yuan Dalu private coin of the Republic of China (front) is a fifth portrait of Yuan Shikai, casting "the Chinese simplified of the three years of the Republic of China, which has high historical and cultural research value and implies the ideological hope of" democracy, republican, constitutional administration and monarchy ". The more valuable casting of this group of coins was private coins, when the circulation was far less than the circulating currency, and the corresponding price would also be the circulating currency Up."Yuan Big Head" is called the treasure of silver yuan in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely circulated and most influential silver yuan variety in nearly a thousand modern silver coins in China. It is also an important role in the reform of modern China and has more collection value.
